Thursday 6 January 2011

People working with a silo mentality

This is a drawing I have used several times with organisations who want to explore the issue different teams orfunctions working independently of each other . It creates some good discussions.


  1. I love the illustration- and would like to suggest you consider a Don Quixote "tilting at windmills" with the silos. As a Business Analyst, I am very aware of the silos, and feel a bit like Don Quixote as I "battle" with things others consider "normal".

  2. Nice, very nice.
    Don Quixote "The Change Agent", Org structure are like castles , they are supported by a life long way of doing things, the biggest challenge is to answer .... "This is the way we do business ..."

    empowerment, leadership, and time. will work in this situation.
